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Company Culture With A Generational Gap

Hi Everyone – This is HR Molly and this is my first blog ever.   I am the HR guru here at 2Roads and I keep our team in check.  At least some of the time!!  I live in OC and am getting married this summer.

I plan on blogging frequently about HR and Workplace related issues with some spunk!

Here We Go

Company Culture

On Thursday April 20th, 2017 I had the pleasure of attending my first SDA meeting with my supervisor & speaker Barry Vince. This was my first time meeting business consultants from all different work environments. We had a chance to get together and talk about employee relations and how to be successful in this market. As managers and business owners we realized we are NOT ALONE!

I noticed the biggest issue that came up is different generations working together. Different generations provide different view points, different work ethics, and different ways to compromise.

With this change in company culture most employers are finding with the technology boom over the past 15-20 years projects seem to get done faster, several companies are offering their employees to work remotely, and employees are not staying in position for very long, because they aren’t challenged enough.

With many successful companies at this meeting, all seemed to ask “How do we keep our employees happy and how do we keep them motivated to grow?” Several volunteers stated that this new “millennial generation” have begun to make these company cultures change; company cultures that employers take pride in! Let me start by saying, even though its scary: Change can be GOOD and change can be Successful. Always remember to have an open mind, take pride in what your company represents, but never hesitate to move forward for the better! After all we aren’t alone :).


Generational Work Environment- Getting to know your Employees

The life span of a “millennial” employee at a new company is almost 3-5 years span, a HUGE difference from our Generation X, Y and even our Baby Boomers!

So how can we change that? How can we keep these motivated young professionals satisfied, yet eager to grow in a developing economy?

We concluded on conducting a survey; a survey to “get to know our employees,” yet also to see where we as employers can excel, change, and be more successful.

When we launched this idea at the SDA meeting several employers were very intrigued on getting these survey ideas to them.

In a growing market, and operating a successful business we have a tendency to go SO FAST that we really forget to stop and Smell the Roses! Growing a great team takes effort, dedication and LOTS OF TRIAL and ERROR! Get to know your employees, see what challenges them, what struggles they have, and most of all what motivates them! And don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone!

Always remember the grass isn’t always greener :).  – HR Molly
