Keeping up with marketing trends is important if you want your company or personal brand to stay ahead of the game. Here are some ways to keep things fresh:
Social Media
As technology is advancing, social media has become such a powerful tool in today’s marketing world. Companies are constantly figure out ways to benefit their business by using the various social media platforms.
Check your platforms and update content. Most of all, increase the engagement with customers, employees, and get everyone involved. Set up a social media plan that dictates when to post to Facebook or how many tweets to post to Twitter. These plans will increase the amount of foot traffic on your platforms, then to your website.
Advertising and social media marketing videos are the rage these days. Branded videos contain content that connect with the intended community. A video may even help the audience see your brand or company’s vision more clearly. Videos that portray the company’s employees in a fun, professional office setting will make strong and personalized connections.
Start researching videos on websites and your social media platforms. Brainstorm how your company or brand’s mission statement can be put into video form.
If the number of followers of your business is growing, try launching a newsletter. This is a good way to build your subscriber list while keeping everyone updated on upcoming events, recent accomplishment, and industry news. Push the newsletters onto your business’s website and social media platforms.
Having a sound marketing strategy is important for your business’s future. It’s important to keep up with marketing plans and it’s fun to be create and develop new ways to better market your business.