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Employee Retention Strategies

2Roads-blogs (19)Staffing firms want the best candidates for themselves and for their clients, but what gets the attention of the best of the best? Here are some tips that will keep your firm on the radar of top job candidates.

Get quotes from satisfied candidates as well as client companies for each area of your firm’s specialization. These testimonials are tools for your firm to use on websites, in brochures, and across all social media platforms. Candidates are likely to connect to someone sharing a positive experience.

Encompassing Services
Top candidates are ambitious in their search for job opportunities and often look for the greater impact a position will have on their career. These candidates look for the same mindset from their employer. They appreciate employment-centered services, such as career coaching and training courses. They’re always looking for tools to enhance their skill set.

Magnetic Leaders
Invest in developing your management team. Encourage members to take classes on leadership development and/or to work with a coach or a mentor. Recognize good leadership and incorporate it into the company’s culture.

A “perks” compensation package is good way for your candidates to feel respected, which includes being paid based on the value they bring to the organization. Flexible scheduling provides some freedom for your candidates. Continuing education opens the door for more learning. Healthcare benefits are by far huge “perks” these days. Often times, if someone is fortunate enough to have two job offers, healthcare benefits can make the difference.

Your top candidates want to know that they’re making a difference and that they’re being treated with respect. If you incorporate a good retention policy, you’ll make it easy for your top candidates to stick around.
