Graduating from college and beginning a job search in your desired field can be a big adjustment for any student. There are certain steps a new graduate and job seeker must take to stay ahead when looking for employment. Here are five simple tips to help job search for recent college graduates.
1. Know how to market yourself
Make a list of acquired skills and traits and demonstrated through school, volunteer work, previous employment, clubs and schools projects. Employers always look for candidates who have shown they are trainable, adaptable, problem solvers and can take initiative to compliment their team.
2. Network in person
The more people you meet and impress in person, the more likely someone is to refer you for a position. Join professional organizations, attend networking events, and stay connected to your academic professors and colleagues.
3. Create an online presence
89 percent of companies are and will use social networks as a part of their hiring process. It is advantageous to not only have an appropriate presence on major social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter, but to also create a professional profile on LinkedIn.
4. Do your research
Learn all you can about your target organizations. You can use sites like LinkedIn to find suitable companies that are looking for people who have your skill set.
5. Keep at it
Getting to the next step can often times take time, and a lot of effort. Celebrate your small successes, surround yourself with encouraging and supporting people, and fight through the urge to give up at times.
Don’t be afraid to jump in and try new things, and remember to stay patient. The persistence and tenacity you exhibited throughout your academic career will come in handy now