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How to Job Search Using Social Media


3Social media can be used nowadays for much more than connecting with others and having fun. Here are ways to use different means of social media to help find employment:

Facebook –

“Like” Professional Pages: Most companies strive for  social media presences, and Facebook Pages are interactive.. By “Liking” them, you can get daily updates about their activity and they are likely to post links to available job applications.

Private/Public: Take a thorough look at your privacy settings on Facebook, and make sure you know exactly how others view your Timeline. Consider setting your work and education info public, enabling others to see your professional history.

Stay Updated: Make sure all of your work and education info is up to date and reflects your current position and past experience.

Add “Professional Skills: Facebook added a “Professional Skills” portion to the “About” section. Underneath work and education, add skills you’ve acquired, optimizing your professional appeal.


Search tags: In the search bar, look for tagged terms like “hiring” and “jobs.” It’s a bit harder to separate relevant leads from, but you’ll still be able to find plenty of great companies advertising open jobs via Tumblr.

Start Tumbling: Get creative. A Tumblr account catered to your interests, and full of your own original content, automatically ups your unique appeal to employers. In addition, a good Tumblr following can lead to job offers from employers who happened to stumble upon your site.


Searches: Use that search bar to look for terms that apply to the job you want. For best results, type in words like “jobs,” “hiring” and other specifics that apply to your desired field and location; for example, “writer” and “New York City.”

Hashtags: Typing #jobs and #hiring will result in a plethora of tweets from those seeking employees. Employers who want to cast a wide net will often tweet out job applications, with accompanying hashtags.

Tweet often: Though it depends on your career of choice, tweeting is a great way to network with like-minded folks in your profession. Follow businesses and people you’re interested in and don’t be afraid to send them the occasional tweet.

Follow others: There are dozens and dozens of Twitter accounts dedicated to posting job applications. Go to the search bar and type in “jobs,” then click “People” on the left-hand side. You’ll soon see all the Twitter accounts with “jobs” in the username and can press the follow button.

Keep Up With Changes –

There are always new ways to stay updated on social media. Be sure to stay informed with social media’s ever evolving changes. One resource that can keep you on top of the trends is to read social media news sites. Some examples are:

Mashable – Mashable offers the most comprehensive news and commentary on the social media landscape.

The Next Web: This site publishes technology news with an international focus. You can drill down into the Social Media channel to reach topic-specific articles. (See the different Channels on the left-side column of the home page.)

TechCrunch: TechCrunch is a leading technology news site where you can find lots of information about the tech and startup world. Probably only a third of the news here pertains to social media.

Social Media Examiner: This site mainly focuses on social media for marketing. But if you subscribe to the Social Media News tag, you can get a clean summary of the most important updates hand selected by human beings!
