It’s common that many job searches either slow down or come to a complete stop during the holiday season. Either the idea that no one is going to hire at this time or just getting caught up in the busyness of the season can stand in the way of any job search. Don’t let this happen. You can enjoy the holiday season and continue your job search. It’s actually a great time to connect with your network, update your resume, tidy up your job search records, and even set up some interviews.
Connect with your Network
Take advantage of the season and reconnect with those you’ve lost touch with by wishing them Happy Holidays. This is a great way to touch base and set up future conversations in the coming weeks.
Get Organized
It’s easy to loose track of where you have submitted your resume, companies you are interested in, and recruiters you have spoken with. Set aside some time to re-group. Either start a spreadsheet or update your records.
Update Your Resume
Review your resume. After interviewing a couple of times, or speaking with prospective employers and recruiters, double check your resume to make sure it includes the skills you have to stand out. Maybe it needs some editing. There are several sources on line that can help guide you in this process. We have several articles in our blog category “resumes” that can help!
Take Time Off
The holiday season is also a time to connect with family and friends. It’s important and useful to “recharge” by taking time off of the job search as well. Make sure you have time set aside to focus on something meaningful to you during your job search. When you go back to your search, you will be surprised at the motivation that comes after taking your focus away from it for a day.
Interviews and Hires DO Happen During the Holiday Season
Job Searching is still a numbers game. While others have put it on hold, you have the advantage of getting your resume out there. Many companies have year end deadlines they want to meet in their hiring goals as well. And they DO interview and hire during the holiday season!
If you have questions on your job search, interviews skills, or resume, don’t hesitate to give our recruiters a call. We’re here to help!