If your plan is to wait until the holidays are over to really jump start your job search, think again. The holidays are actually a great time to hunt for a new job. Here are some helpful tips, provided by About.com, for boosting your job search.
Connect With Your Contacts
The holiday season is an ideal time to connect with your contacts. Wish all your contacts, on Facebook, LinkedIn, and the other social and professional networking sites “Happy Holidays” and remind them that you’re in the market for a new job. Also, take some time to expand your network and increase the number of connections you have. The more connections, the more people who can assist with your job search.
How to use the full power of LinkedIn to job search, including effectively using your connections and utilizing all the information available on LinkedIn when you’re applying for jobs.
If you’re using Facebook for professional networking, and more people are every day, here are tips on the best way to use Facebook when you’re job searching.
KODA.us is a job site with a different twist on social recruiting. It’s like a a hybrid of social Facebook and professional LinkedIn.
Twitter is a social networking and microblogging service utilising instant messaging, SMS or a web interface. Twitter is open ended and people and companies use it in a variety of ways, including to job search.