You’ve Been Fired. How Do You Explain It?

Getting fired, unfortunately, can happen to the best of us. It can happen even when it’s not your fault. There could be a personality conflict between yourself and your supervisor. Your idea of what the job was going to be like might differ from what management was thinking. You could have simply screwed up. It […]

How to Use Your Phone to Help You Find a Job

Today, cellphones are capable of so much more than making a call. They can even help your job search. Checking out jobs using a mobile application, emailing potential employers, killing time on your phone while waiting to begin an interview, conducting an interview on your cellphone — these are just a few of the ways […]

Can You Afford Your Career?

The saying goes that you have to spend money to make money. But there’s a difference between investing in career success and indulging in unnecessary business expenses. How can you tell when your career is bleeding you dry? Here are some tips that might help from U.S. News: The saying goes that you have to […]

Reasons You Should be Networking, Even if You are Employed

You can’t stop networking just because you’re starting a new gig. Here are some reasons why you still need to work the room, post-hire. You’ve probably ascertained that networking can be highly useful when securing a new job. In fact, a recent LinkedIn blog post by Lou Adler, author of “Hire With Your Head,” explains […]

7 Tips for Working With a Recruiter

Recruiters – also called head hunters – can be a valuable part of a job search strategy. They connect job hunters to openings that aren’t advertised. They are free to job seekers (if one charges you, run away). The best ones understand what employers want, and can eliminate a lot of the guesswork in negotiating […]

Your Health: Key to Your Job Search

Roxanne Ravenel | Excelle As the economy continues its deep downward spiral our collective emotional stress level is spiraling upward, according to a Gallup-Healthways poll out this week. The report is believed to be the most extensive report to date on how the health of the economy impacts our emotional health. The report encompassed nearly […]