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Creating a Mentorship/Mentee Program for your Business?

Barry recently joined the Digital Enterprise Society Board and is heading up their Career Development program.  Part of this vision includes helping eliminate the technology gap in the workforce.   Thom Singer from DES recently recorded a podcast with Marny Lifshen about mentorship programs.

Marny is a marketing communications consultant, author and speaker, to discuss the value of mentorship.  With over 50 years of experience between them, Thom and Marny have each had experiences as both mentors and mentees that have shaped their careers in countless positive ways.  They discuss what a mentor can do for anyone at any stage in their career, how to show up as the best mentee possible, and how mentors can work as a crucial part of a solid and impactful network for your career.

On the podcast, you will learn:

What you can expect from your mentor

  • Don’t expect a mentor to tell you you’re doing everything right.
  • Constructive criticism provides opportunities for meaningful growth.
  • Honest feedback and direction will help shape your career path.

Where to find your next mentor

  • Look for informal mentors from workplace relationships.
  • Identify people you trust and can be open to receive advice and criticism from.
  • Connect with the younger generation for advice on a skillset you are lacking.
  • Look outside your industry/organization for less specific but potentially more insightful career advice.

How can you be a quality mentee?

  • Identify what you hope to gain from interactions with your mentors.
  • Follow up with your mentor after they have offered their advice.
  • Commit to driving the mentor/mentee relationship early on.
  • Contribute in whatever way you can to bring value to the relationship.

Why should you want to be a mentor?

  • Reflect on the mentors that have brought you where you are in your career.
  • Mentorship is a highly effective networking strategy.
  • The best career guidance doesn’t only come from a specific age, experience or job title.
  • Everyone has something to learn and something to teach.

Marny Lifshen works with businesses and executives to develop brand awareness and credibility with key audiences, and to establish relationships with key influencers.  She is the author of the award-winning Some Assembly Required: A Networking Guide for Women. The Second Edition was released in 2015. In 2009, Marny was named a winner of the Profiles in Power and Women of Influence Awards hosted by the Austin Business Journal. She is a nationally recognized expert on strategic networking, communication and personal branding.  She is a seasoned keynote speaker and workshop leader for corporate, association and university clients across the country.




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