When you stuck at work with an endless amount of tasks to complete, the phone is ringing off the hook, and your inbox is blowing up, the last thing you want to do is step away from your desk. Did you know that staying glued to your computer screen and not getting up can actually hurting your job performance?
Here are a few ways that’ll make you more successful, and they don’t include sitting at your desk.
Keep up your productivity by exercising while at work, especially if you don’t have time to head to the gym. Going on a 20 minute walk during lunch or doing some desk stretches can leave you feeling rejuvenated. Get the blood circulating and take your lunch break to the next level!
Have Lunch With Your Colleagues
Make time to chat with your coworkers over lunch at a restaurant or even just at the table in the break room. This gives you the opportunity to bond with the people in your office and find out what role they play in your company’s success, which is beneficial for your career.
Friendly competition is always great to have around. Find someone in the office that you don’t know that well and ask that person to lunch. Get to know that person, and you never know what will come from it.
Take a Catnap
Take a quick nap at work during your lunch break, be it in the break room or in your car. Just 15 to 20 minutes of sleep will help your productivity for the rest of your workday.
Being stuck at your desk all day can hurt your job performance, so get up and exercise, head to a restaurant, or close your eyes for a few. Stay happy and refreshed!