Job fairs are great ways to network, and may even result in future career options. They key is to put in the effort. Just simply showing up won’t guarantee you a job but there are ways to make you more prepared for job fairs.
Do Your Research
Most job fairs provide lists of attendees well in advance. Spend time looking through the list and find the places you’re truly interested in working for. Check online job listings afterwards. This may seem a bit extensive, but the productivity is worth it.
It’s important to also locate the companies you’re interested in working for and schedule when you’d like to speak to them. Creating this itinerary will make you feel more organized and relaxed.
Organize the Business Cards You Receive
Your interactions at a job fair are excellent networking opportunities. Make sure you have all the information you need to continue conversations long after the job fair ends. You’ll accumulate a massive pile of business cards, so try to stay organized. Discard any of the ones you’ll never use, and quickly follow up on the key cards. Connect with those people and companies via social media.
Follow Up
Following up plays an important role in maintaining business relationships. Send emails and thank you messages to people you didn’t discuss openings with. While talking to recruiters, find a talking point from your conversation at the job fair. This opens the door to proactive communication.
You’ll have a few chances to make a really great impression on someone who could potentially be your employer down the road as long as you’re prepared and make a great impression.