If your plan is to wait until the holidays are over to really jump start your job search, think again. The holidays are actually a great time to hunt for a new job. Here are some helpful tips, provided by About.com, for boosting your job search.
Be Available to Job Interview
When employers have an end-of-year hiring crunch, being the applicant who can interview on short notice can help your candidacy. When you have a really good opportunity be as flexible and as available as possible when it comes to scheduling interviews. Your availabily may help you be the candidate who gets the job offer. Don’t forget a thank you note and if time is short, an email thank you is fine.
Job Interview Guide
How to Dress for an Interview
The first impression you make on a potential employer is the most important one. Here’s how to dress professionally for a job interview.
Interview Questions and Answers
Questions you’ll be asked when interviewing, how to prepare answers to interview questions, and sample answers.
Job Interview Types
The various types of interviews that employers conduct, including behavioral interviews, group interviews, phone and video interviews, second interviews, and even interviews held during a meal.
Job Interview Tips
Advice and tips for successful interviewing.
Interview Advice
Interview preparation and etiquette, interview blunders, and post interview follow up.
Strategies for Successful Interviewing
Here are strategies for effective interviewing including researching the company and following up.
Thank You Letters
Thank you letter samples applicable to a variety of employment-related situations.