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Google introduces Google Apps for Government suite

July 26, 2010 | By Paul Krill | InfoWorld

The cloud-based productivity apps feature enhanced security and are being pitched as cost-savers

Honing in on the lucrative government market for business applications, Google introduced on Monday Google Apps for Government, featuring its suite of cloud-based business applications equipped with extra security precautions.

The suite, with such applications as Gmail email and Google Calendar, offers U.S. government FISMA (Federal Information Security Management Act) moderate-level certification. Also, government user data is to be maintained on servers segregated from Google’s commercial customers. Google officials emphasized that government agencies are acutely concerned with security and that Google Apps is the first cloud platform certified for use by the federal government.

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Read David Linthicum’s article Google removes cloud security barrier for the government,” which originally appeared at on his Cloud Computing blog and follow the latest developments in cloud computing at
