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EMC Forum, Long Beach, CA

By Steven Vince, Sr. Recruiter, Two Roads | July 16, 2010

Great day at the EMC Forum in Long Beach yesterday. Eye opening to say the least for a non techie like myself.

I may have understood .008% of what was discussed but I was impressed with the EMC teams, the breakout sessions, and the new direction EMC is headed.  I learned a lot about the the big push is towards Cloud and virtual storage for both EMC and their competitors.

Spending a day in sessions covering basic storage principles, VMware’s newest stuff, and getting a killer primer on Virtual Security were well worth the time.

Intel treated us to a lunch and it was good to see the other EMC partners, promoting their products in what appears to be a mutually beneficial partnership with EMC, in full swing.

If you ever get the chance to attend an EMC forum I would highly recommend. They are very well run and would be well worth your time.
